My Sleep Philosophy

I am a firm believer that sleep is the number ONE contributor to having a healthy and happy family.

There is a clear link between chronic sleep deprivation and postpartum depression or what we all call “the baby blues.” Most moms report a remarkable improvement in their moods (and their baby’s!) once the family is sleeping well. Studies show that a good night’s sleep is just as crucial for your baby as a good diet. We’d never raise our children on a diet junk food, nor should we raise them on “junk sleep.”

Your baby has unique sleep habits and a unique character. You have your own parenting style. The “magic” happens when we create an approach that’s right for your baby.

My philosophy

The Sleep Sense™ Program accommodates different parenting styles, and it allows you to develop a plan that you feel comfortable with, based on what you know about your child. Since many parents always ask me whether my program involves “crying it out,” I think it is essential to discuss this before starting.

My Sleep Philosophy

What about Crying?

Crying is your child’s way of protesting change, and you can expect that making changes to their sleep patterns will result in some protest, and if you are reading this, CHANGE is what you need! That’s why I always tell parents that my program will most likely involve at least some amount of it on the child’s part. However, I will never ask you to ignore your child’s emotions or leave them alone because this goes against all my beliefs and training. I am a mother in the first place, and I understand how hard it is to hear your child cry! I will guide you through this process in a supportive way while creating a particular plan for your child and family needs.